I Am Abomination – An abomination to the genre of metal.

Today I stumbled upon a band called I Am Abomination when searching for awesome new metal bands on Metal Underground. Seeing that the band has a new digital EP coming out On July 19 which is cleverly entitled Passion of the Heist I decided to look them up and find out what they’re all about.

I listened to the song “Transformation” first as they are currently streaming it online… And for about 5 seconds I was extremely into it and excited to get the album because everything I was hearing was awesome! The guitars blew me away. After 20 seconds however, things were pretty bleak. See, for the first 5 seconds I was under the impression this band was metal. 5 seconds later however, this thought was proven completely incorrect.

Now, before I get too deep into the bad, let’s take care of the good. As mentioned, the guitar work of I Am Abomination’s guitarist is phenomenal! There’s not a single note in the song “Transformation” that sounds the least bit out of place. If this track is an accurate representation of the rest of the album then it’s worth the listen solely for that aspect.

The drumming on the track is pretty impressive and so is the bass but what really threw me off of this band’s scent was the vocalist’s style. The entire song was done in clean vocals. I thought it was very strange that a band like this would even be considered metal. I know the rest of the band is metal but for me vocals make or break a band, and in this case they’ve shattered it into a million pieces for me.

If this band played all instrumental pieces they would be a band I would recommend very highly to anyone but because of the vocal style I’m only going to recommend it to people who realllllly appreciate good musicianship and who won’t mind the fact that the band contains vocals that sound like the fucking Jonas Brothers.

Bottom line: Not metal. If you are looking for a metal album, listen to one track off of this EP here, you won’t want to pay for it… Then go buy the new ASP or TBDM album. If you like metal and already have these two, check out the new Pestilence or the new Chelsea Grin that is coming out on the same date as this album. If you absolutely love melodic guitar work and don’t mind clean vocals, perhaps this album is for you. In my opinion, I Am Abomination are an abomination to the genre of metal. Good for what it is, but nothing I ever want to hear again. My ears feel raped after listening to them. My rating on the album (which I haven’t even heard yet, only heard one song) is a 2.5/5.


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