A little rant about hot female fronted bands and some recaps to go along with this long title!

We took a little bit of a snooze with me moving and getting ready for school, woot! This week we didn’t have too much on the site besides a big rant about the latest news from Orchid’s Curse and Uigg and lots of news from the gang at Diminished Fifth Records in the ways of The Music of Artisanship and War: Volume III!
First to Fall are also announcing a new track release which we’re proud to be lending a hand promoting! We featured Broken Ohms as Band of the Week and announced an interview with Constantly Misjudged which will be up this coming Monday.

I’ve been a dedicated fan of Brooklyn, New York’s MetalSucks, that’s one of the reasons I started this site. Realizing how much sick publicity bands get from the site, thinking I can help some east coasterinians! Of course we’re not quite up to the epic standards of MS but meh, all you can do is try right? I was recently checking out the site (I know, who thought I would ever have time to do anything but this haha) and “Seargent D” had done an interview with the rad lads and gals in Eyes Set To Kill. He couldn’t stop talking about how hot the two frontwomen were. In fact throughout the whole article he only had photos of the girls with comments like “Ladies, you can take me home to meet mom — I’ll make her blush by complementing her carne asada and telling her I can see that her daughters got it from their mama” underneath!

It got me thinking, how many hot female fronted bands are there around Canada? Well how could anyone forget Hamilton, Ontario’s Call The Cavalry! Check out their crazy stage presence along with their amazingly gorgeous singer, Kaitey. In the beggining of the video below someone yells out “I love you Adam!”. I have to give it to the guy, sick stage prescene. I’d probably yell anything out if he was in front of me!

There’s another hottie fronted band, The Convicted, who call Nova Scotia home! That’s something I’m proud of. If you haven’t heard them make sure you check them out and try to look past Raven and listen to the awesome tunes they throw out!

That’s all the love I can give today. Make sure you catch the new interview this Monday and stay tuned for some stellar announcements!


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