Holy Recap, Batman!

In the immortal words of Robin. There must’ve been a recap in that series somewhere, eh? To employ a pop culture simile, these recaps are to VisiONtheNet as Robin is to Batman, which is to say that they’re more naive and have much more flamboyant tights. On this week’s episodes, our Dynamic Duo (metaphorically, there … Continue reading

Recap of Wisdom

The Daoist philosopher Bao Jingyan once said that “Loyalty and righteousness only appear when rebellion breaks out in the empire, filial obedience and parental love are only displayed when there is discord among kindred.” You’re probably wondering what this insightful man has to do with the modern music scene, and to be honest I’d be … Continue reading

Recap: To Cap Again

Remember last week, when we all took time out of our busy days to reflect on all of the awesome content that we’d posted here at VisiONtheNet? Wasn’t that nice, seeing all the news of the week compiled in one simple list? Oh, fond memories. We should do it again sometime. Like right now. You … Continue reading

The Recap Strikes Back

Oh hey Internet, didn’t see you there. I bet you’re all wondering, “Where have my recaps been, goddammit?”, and for good reason. It’s been a few weeks, for reasons that are best summed up as “summer happened”, but now your VisiONtheNet recap is back and ready to kick ass. As the title suggests, it’ll be … Continue reading

Sunday Best

On the seventh day, God rested. But we aren’t. Here at VisiONtheNet we’re still going because, as they say, there’s no rest for the wicked. I guess that’s the trick, if you only had seven days to craft everything in the music scene, it wouldn’t develop much would it? Regardless, while we’re putting in more … Continue reading

Workin’ for the Weekend-The Sunday Recap!

It turns out that the difference between youth and adulthood can actually be summed up in a fairly simple, and musical fashion. You have your Rebecca Blacks, and you have your Loverboys. For the youthful Rebeccas, you’ve had a hard week of going to school and making difficult decisions such as whether to sit in … Continue reading

Only For the Week

Thus ends the last full week of June. Next week, it will just barely be the start of July, which means that summer is in full swing. Is that cause to celebrate? Nah, here at VisiONtheNet we have better reasons to jubilantly consume alcohol (always the finest way to celebrate). June has been, hands down, … Continue reading

Weekly Ear Riot

Remember last week, when the recap was themed around the Stanley Cup playoffs? Well, this week we’re going in a completely different direction: Not talking about the playoffs. Vancouver doesn’t need any more rioting at this point. But, we’re still all about the rioting in your ears here at VisiONtheNet, so let’s review what went … Continue reading

Heavy Metal Hockey

Recap time! Can you dig it!? (That’s still hip with the kids, isn’t it?) This week was a busy one for new releases, some of which we’ve reviewed and thrown your way already, some of which are still to come. It’s also been a busy week as far as all of Canada is concerned…the monumental … Continue reading

Bustin’ a Recap in Your Ass!

Hey there, hooligans of the interweb. Another week has come and gone here at VisiONtheNet, and that means it’s time for us to sit back and revisit all the laughs, trials and tears we’ve gone through over the past week (okay, you caught me, a week and a bit). All those things happened, right? Crying? … Continue reading