Weekly Ear Riot

Remember last week, when the recap was themed around the Stanley Cup playoffs? Well, this week we’re going in a completely different direction: Not talking about the playoffs. Vancouver doesn’t need any more rioting at this point. But, we’re still all about the rioting in your ears here at VisiONtheNet, so let’s review what went … Continue reading

Anal Cunt frontman, Seth Putnam found dead at age 43.

It has finally been confirmed through Anal Cunt’s publicist Kim Kelly that the band’s iconic and extremely controversial frontman Seth Edward Putnam has passed away. The singer, age 43, succumbed to a suspected heart attack with no other details being released to the press at this given time. Kim Kelly commented on the passing of … Continue reading

Marc Bourgon talks of Grebers history, their new EP and why he does what he does!

You’re excited from the title aren’t you? I definitely am, because a while back Cambridge, Ontario based Greber announced a slew of East Coast tour dates. Stretching from Montreal to Charlottetown these dudes begin slaying the stages on Januray 13th! January 13 – Katacombes – Montreal QC January 14 – Sunstar Lounge – Saint John … Continue reading