HALIGONIANS! Prepare yourselves to throw the skank down on September 16th when metal/ska/dancetastic orgasm music machine NINJASPY comes to little ‘ole HALIFAX NOVA SCOTIA! (I’m pretty fucking excited… Just in case you can’t tell)

What up Haligonians? It’s been a long time since a truly epic concert has come our way… Unless you love Metallica or something right? Okay, so maybe it was recent… But on September 16th, leave yourself a big bold black note to remind yourself of the following 2 facts. Number 1. Ninjaspy, “a metal fusion … Continue reading

Black Crown is fucking amazing!!!!!

So I wrote my car off and broke my leg and my mobility has since been very limited… Therefore I’ve had a ton of time to do nothing! During this time I picked up a copy of metallic orgasmism entitled Black Crown, the latest release of the orgasm factory itself, Suicide Silence. You know what … Continue reading