HALIGONIANS! Prepare yourselves to throw the skank down on September 16th when metal/ska/dancetastic orgasm music machine NINJASPY comes to little ‘ole HALIFAX NOVA SCOTIA! (I’m pretty fucking excited… Just in case you can’t tell)

What up Haligonians? It’s been a long time since a truly epic concert has come our way… Unless you love Metallica or something right? Okay, so maybe it was recent… But on September 16th, leave yourself a big bold black note to remind yourself of the following 2 facts. Number 1. Ninjaspy, “a metal fusion … Continue reading

Demonical release Death Infernal

Today I picked up a copy of Demonical‘s new album, Death Infernal which dropped from Cyclone Empire here in North America on July 19th. This is a band I am completely unfamiliar with and if it wasn’t for Metal Underground I’d never have discovered their existence. Now, I’m always sceptical when listening to a new band for the … Continue reading

Touché Amoré’s Eastern Canada Touré

Halifax, as well as the rest of the East Coast, will be afforded a visit this week by modern post-hardcore vigilantes Touché Amoré of LA, California. The band is part of a network of new American bands who describe themselves as “The Wave”, a group focused on creating thoughtful melodic hardcore also including the likes … Continue reading

Thrashfuck Thrash Bash Compilation up for grabs!

In accordance with the third Thrashfuck Thrash Bash A free compilation has been put together and is now up for grabs! The Thrashfuck Thrash Bash III Compilation features; Reanimator, Fatality, Ash Lee Blade, Titans Eve, Spewgore, Eternal Judegment and Dimensions! Get it here! Tracklisting: 1. Reanimator – When The World Burns Down 2. Fatality – … Continue reading

We interviewed Fair To Midland’s guitarist, Cliff Campbell to talk about everything Fair To Midland!

Fair To midland have littered the site with their latest… everything! The band had released studio footage in April, announced their plans to shoot a video for their single “Musical Chairs”, along with free tracks off their new album, Arrows & Anchors! Below we have an interview that I did with Fair To Midland’s Cliff … Continue reading

We shot The Human Abstract’s Travis Richter an email to ask him a bit about how awesome he is… he really want’s you to know!

I had scheduled a sit-down with one of the original members, drummer, Brett Powell. I was actually talking about the video released a couple months ago. Turns out, Travis wanted to do it, so here’s questions that I thought Brett was answering and Travis did! Both of their latest videos are mixed in with the … Continue reading

So much news from Fair To Midland, including a stellar new music video!

So we LOOOOOOOVE metal. In case you hadn’t notice, we love it! We also love Fair To Midland and this new video they’ve just debuted! Last month we were littered with news of the bands new album, free song downloads and their plans for shooting this video. The new music video is for their song … Continue reading

Fatality annihilate the west in their latest tour… Now that the subtle pun is over, they have free tracks too!

Toronto’s Fatality known for their crazy party antics, beer bongs and showing fans a good time, are proud to announce dates for their “Western Annihilation Tour” that will see them venture across west coast Canada and USA. Check out a quote from the bands guitarist after you get their free tracks and watch the new … Continue reading

Fair To Midland release track for free download off their upcoming record, Arrows and Anchors!

Near the beginning of this month Fair To Midland released news about their upcoming album, Arrows and Anchors. To read a little more about their follow-up album to their 2007 release of Fables from a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times Is True, click here. The band also plans to shoot a music video fro … Continue reading

Alafity, Afality, Fatility, Fatality!

Now we told you about this Fatality news: “Fatality announce tour, release free track and new video“. So let’s tell you some more shiat from Fatality! They’ve released another video, while on their tour! Talk about SuperBand! We’ll be catching up with these cats on their Halifax stop so watch out for that interview! Check … Continue reading