Demonical release Death Infernal

Today I picked up a copy of Demonical‘s new album, Death Infernal which dropped from Cyclone Empire here in North America on July 19th. This is a band I am completely unfamiliar with and if it wasn’t for Metal Underground I’d never have discovered their existence. Now, I’m always sceptical when listening to a new band for the … Continue reading

The post where we watch Con Air while we write!

So everyone knows about the “Music As A Weapon” tour, I wasn’t too excited about this until I heard In This Moment was playing. I know, I know with giants like Korn and Disturbed how can you say you’re not excited? I’ve seen disturbed and their live performance is nothing to write about, so I … Continue reading

Dr. SHITAcula, the top five reasons not to wear a bandana on your face!

I’m not one to bash any bands or anyone’s interests or tastes in music but what the hell! First off Dr. Acula‘s music is the same as any other cookie-cutter Deathcore act out there, second this is whole video is a cross between Ghost Busters and Batman. Here are my top 5 reasons not to … Continue reading